Fantasy games like the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age or Spellforce create entire fantastic universes that you can spend hours visiting or acting to. Apart from scenes of battle, you have plenty of contemplative or wandering moments to compose a music to. Somewhat like in a movie.
Les jeux video comme Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age ou Spellforce créent des univers fantastiques complets que vous pouvez passer des heures à visiter. Hors des scènes de bataille, il y a donc un espace extrêmement large pour la création de musiques contemplatives ou de ballade. Un peu comme dans un film finalement.
Bruno Cariou invented this story to build a score to and test different aspects of game music. In the tradition of medieval games, you will find typical instruments like celtic harp, dulcimer, viola, recorders, various percussions and ethnic drums.
Knights of Feroe
Available as CD or download
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